Customer Service Centre: 9924513899245140

***08-07-2024**A fire was reported in a building on Stock Exchange II Chandragarh Road ****Emergency imposed on Napa and Sakhi Hasan hydrants of Water Corporation** Several tankers filled with water have been dispatched to the accident site. CEO Water Corp** The in-charge hydrants cell is in full communication with the fire brigade authorities. Engineer Syed Salahuddin Ahmed** Water tankers will be provided to the Karachi Fire Brigade until the fire is fully controlled. COE Water Corporation*****01-07-2024***PUBLIC NOTICE FOR / Groundwater Operator / Commercial Including Hosplitality Industries & Businessess /Healthcare Sector & Educational Institutions / Residential Complex The Karachi water and Sewerage Corporation , with the approval of its Board of Directors has framed the Groundwater ( Extraction, Comsumpion & Management) Regulations 2024 The Corporation is now inviting application from interested parties/applicants engaged or intend to engage in utilizing the ground water sources for thier potential needs . This initiative aims for sustainable and regulated use of water leading to effective conservation of groundwater resources.***-21-03-2024 ***On the special instructions of MD/CEO of Water Corporation,Engineer Syed Salahuddin Ahmed, the new website of the institution will be launched soon. ** CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION The managing director played a significant role in overseeing and leading the efforts to create the new website. where public convenience and other information will be provided.**** Karachi:- ( ) CEO KWSC Engineer Syed Salahuddin Ahmed said in a message that he is proud to highlight the progress of the Water Corporation to ensure that the water supply and sewerage needs of Karachi are met on March 22, World Water Day, despite various civic challenges ******Constomer Services Center Lower Block A Ninth Mile Karsaz Shahrah Faisal Lal Qila Restaurant Karachi Phone:-021-99245138-43 Fax 021-99245190 Whatup:0319-2046357 *************** r**

Water Tariff




w.e.f Dec’


w.e.f July’


w.e.f Aug’


w.e.f Nov’


w.e.f Jul’


w.e.f Nov’


w.e.f April’


w.e.f July’








w.e.f July’2010


1st Sep-‘2011


1st July -‘2012




1st Jan-‘2014


1st Sep-‘2014

01. DOMESTIC UN METERED (SQ.YD) UPTO 60 7.50 9.00 13.50 15.00 20.00 20.00 26.00 26.00 37.00 40.00 44.00 82.00 82.00 82.00 89.00 97.00
UPTO 061 —> 120 10.00 12.00 18.00 20.00 26.00 26.00 34.00 34.00 51.00 56.00 61.00 111.00 111.00 111.00 121.00 132.00
UPTO 121 —> 200 15.00 18.00 27.00 30.00 39.00 39.00 51.00 51.00 79.00 86.00 94.00 172.00 172.00 172.00 187.00 204.00
UPTO 201—> 300 22.50 27.00 40.50 45.00 59.00 59.00 77.00 77.00 117.00 128.00 140.00 253.00 253.00 253.00 276.00 301.00
UPTO 301—> 400 31.00 37.00 55.50 65.00 85.00 85.00 111.00 111.00 163.00 178.00 194.00 354.00 354.00 354.00 386.00 421.00
UPTO 401—> 600 44.00 53.00 79.50 95.00 124.00 124.00 161.00 161.00 239.00 261.00 285.00 521.00 521.00 521.00 568.00 619.00
UPTO 601—> 1000 62.50 75.00 112.50 135.00 176.00 176.00 229.00 229.00 362.00 395.00 431.00 753.00 753.00 753.00 821.00 895.00
UPTO 1001—> 1500 125.00 150.00 225.00 285.00 371.00 371.00 482.00 482.00 718.00 783.00 853.00 1,549.00 1,549.00 1,549.00 1,688.00 1,840.00
UPTO 1501—> 2000 156.00 187.00 280.50 365.00 475.00 475.00 618.00 618.00 927.00 1,010.00 1,101.00 2,013.00 2,013.00 2,013.00 2,194.00 2391.00
UPTO 2001—> 2500 187.00 230.00 345.00 465.00 605.00 605.00 787.00 787.00 1,181.00 1,287.00 1,403.00 2,564.00 2,564.00 2,564.00 2,795.00 3047.00
UPTO 2501—> 3000 280.00 420.00 590.00 767.00 767.00 997.00 997.00 1,497.00 1,632.00 1,779.00 3,252.00 3,252.00 3,252.00 3,545.00 3864.00
UPTO 3001—> 3500 330.00 495.00 720.00 936.00 936.00 1,217.00 1,217.00 1,825.00 1,989.00 2,168.00 3,962.00 3,962.00 3,962.00 4,319.00 4708.00
UPTO 3501—> 4000 380.00 570.00 855.00 1,112.00 1,112.00 1,446.00 1,446.00 2,171.00 2,366.00 2,579.00 4,715.00 4,715.00 4,715.00 5,139.00 5602.00

UPTO 4001—> 4500

430.00 645.00 1,000.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 1,690.00 1,690.00 2,533.00 2,761.00 3,010.00 5,502.00 5,502.00 5,502.00 5,997.00 6537.00

UPTO 4501 TO 5000

490.00 735.00 1,180.00 1,534.00 1,534.00 1,994.00 1,994.00 2,988.00 3,257.00 3,550.00 6,491.00 6,491.00 6,491.00 7,075.00 7712.00
ABOVE 5000 550.00 825.00 1,365.00 1,775.00 1,775.00 2,307.00 2,307.00 3,455.00 3,766.00 4,105.00 7,502.00 7,502.00 7,502.00 8,177.00 8913.00
02. ADDITIONAL STORIES (50%OF G.F) (50% OF G.F) (50% OF G.F) (50% OF G.F) (50% OF G.F) (50% OF G.F) (50% OF G.F) (50% OF G.F) (50% OF G.F) (50% OF G.F) (50% OF G.F) (50% OF G.F) (50% OF G.F) (50% OF G.F) (50% OF G.F) (50% OF G.F)
Any Property not Connected 5.00 6.00 9.00 12.00 16.00 16.00 21.00
FLATS UPTO 500 SQFT 10.00 12.00 18.00 20.00 26.00 26.00 34.00 34.00 42.50 46.00 50.00 101.00 101.00 101.00 101.00 101.00
UPTO 501—> 800 15.00 18.00 27.00 30.00 39.00 39.00 51.00 51.00 64.00 70.00 76.00 152.00 152.00 152.00 152.00 152.00
UPTO 801—> 1000 19.00 23.00 34.50 35.00 46.00 46.00 60.00 60.00 77.00 84.00 92.00 182.00 182.00 182.00 182.00 182.00
UPTO 1001—>1200 25.00 30.00 45.00 50.00 65.00 65.00 85.00 85.00 115.00 125.00 137.00 272.00 272.00 272.00 272.00 272.00
UPTO 1201—> 1500 37.50 45.00 67.50 75.00 98.00 98.00 127.00 127.00 174.00 190.00 207.00 412.00 412.00 412.00 412.00 412.00
UPTO 1501—> 1800 62.50 75.00 112.50 130.00 169.00 169.00 220.00 220.00 304.50 332.00 362.00 721.00 721.00 721.00 721.00 721.00
UPTO 1801—> 2000 75.00 90.00 135.00 165.00 215.00 215.00 280.00 280.00 386.00 421.00 459.00 915.00 915.00 915.00 915.00 915.00
UPTO 2001—>2500 110.00 165.00 210.00 273.00 273.00 355.00 355.00 486.50 530.00 578.00 1,152.00 1,152.00 1,152.00 1,152.00 1,152.00
UPTO 2501—>3000 130.00 195.00 255.00 332.00 332.00 432.00 432.00 592.50 646.00 704.00 1,403.00 1,403.00 1,403.00 1,403.00 1,403.00
UPTO 3001—>3500 150.00 225.00 305.00 397.00 397.00 516.00 516.00 710.50 774.00 844.00 1,682.00 1,682.00 1,682.00 1,682.00 1,682.00
UPTO 3501—>4000 170.00 255.00 360.00 468.00 468.00 608.00 608.00 836.00 911.00 993.00 1,979.00 1,979.00 1,979.00 1,979.00 1,979.00
UPTO 4001—>5000 240.00 360.00 525.00 683.00 683.00 888.00 888.00 1,222.00 1332.00 1,452.00 2,893.00 2,893.00 2,893.00 2,893.00 2,893.00
ABOVE 5000 SQFT 300.00 450.00 675.00 878.00 878.00 1,141.00 1,141.00 1,572.00 1713.00 1,868.00 3,721.00 3,721.00 3,721.00 3,721.00 3,721.00
FLATS NOT CONNECTED 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 26.00 26.00 26.00
Not Connected with Water line 9.75% 15% 23% 30% 39% 49% 49%
Connected with water line un metered 13.50% 21% 32% 42% 55% 69% 69%
Metered Domestic (Per 1000 Gallons) 5.50 8.50 15.00 20.00 26.00 34.00 44.00 44.00 60.00 65.00 71.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 109.00 119.00
Industrial / Commercial (Per 1000 Gallons) 9.00 14.00 25.00 33.00 43.00 56.00 73.00 73.00 100.00 109.00 119.00 145.00 158.00 172.00 187.00 204.00
03 Offices Same as Domestic Tariff of flats depending upon covered area Same as domestic tariff of flats depend Same as domestic tariff of flats depend

Same as Domestic tariff of flats depend

Same as Domestic tariff of flats depend

Same as Domestic tariff of flats depend

Same as Domestic tariff of flats depend

Same as Domestic tariff of flats depend Same as Domestic tariff of flats depend
04 Shops —– — — — — —- —– 25.00 34.00 37.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 44.00 48.00
Dhobi-Ghat ,Restaurants, Agricultural, Nurseries , Marriage hall, clubs, block thallas, cattle ponds, Hammam Marriage Hall,Lawns,Clubs Note:-Twice the size of plots tariff if unmetered Rs.73.00 Per Thousand Gallons 100.00 per 1000 gallon or twice the size of plot tariff if un-metered 109.00 per 1000 gallon or twice the size of plot tariff if un-metered 119.00 per 1000 gallon or twice the size of plot tariff if un-meteredDouble of the Commercial tariff 145.00 per 1000 gallon or twice the size of plot tariff if un-meteredDouble of the Commercial tariff 158.00 per 1000 gallon or twice the size of plot tariff if un-meteredDouble of the Commercial tariff 172.00 per 1000 gallon or twice the size of plot tariff if un-meteredDouble of the Commercial tariff 187.00 per 1000 gallon or twice the size of plot tariff if un-meteredDouble of the Commercial tariff 204.00 per 1000 gallon or twice the size of plot tariff if un-meteredDouble of the Commercial tariff
Commercial high rises & Hotel Single unit College , School, Clinics, Hospitals Note:-73.00 per 1000 gallon or twice the size of plot tariff with 50% of groundNote:-44/- per 1000 gallon or domestic tariff of properties 100.00 per 1000 gallon or twice the size of plot tariff with 50% of ground 60/- per 1000 gallon or domestic tariff of properties 109.00 per 1000 gallon or twice the size of plot tariff with 50% of ground 65/- per 1000 gallon or domestic tariff of properties 119.00 per 1000 gallon or twice the size of plot tariff with 50% of ground 71/- per 1000 gallon or domestic tariff of properties 145.00 per 1000 gallon or twice the size of plot tariff with 50% of ground 145/- per 1000 gallon or Commercial Tariff of Properties depending upon size of Plot 158.00 per 1000 gallon or twice the size of plot tariff with 50% of ground158/- per 1000 gallon or Commercial Tariff of Properties depending upon size of Plot 172.00 per 1000 gallon or twice the size of plot tariff with 50% of ground172/- per 1000 gallon or Commercial Tariff of Properties depending upon size of Plot 187.00 per 1000 gallon or twice the size of plot tariff with 50% of ground187/- per 1000 gallon or Commercial Tariff of Properties depending upon size of Plot 204.00 per 1000 gallon or twice the size of plot tariff with 50% of ground204/- per 1000 gallon or Commercial Tariff of Properties depending upon size of Plot


I) Metered domestic (per 000 gallons).

ii) Industrical (Per Gallons)

iii) Commercial (Per Gallons)

i. Metered Domestic (Per 000 gallons)ii. Industrial (Per 000 gallons) iii. Commercial (Per gallons) 44/= per 1000 gallon (w.e.f July’2001)73/= per 1000 gallon 73/= per 1000 gallon 60/= per 1000 gallon100/= per 1000 gallon 100/= per 1000 gallon 65/= per 1000 gallon109/= per 1000 gallon 109/= per 1000 gallon 71/= per 1000 gallon119/=Per 1000 gallon 119/=Per 1000 gallon 100/= per 1000 gallon 145/=Per 1000 gallon 145/=Per 1000 gallon 100/= per 1000 gallon 158/=Per 1000 gallon 158/=Per 1000 gallon
100/= per 1000 gallon 172/=Per 1000 gallon 172/=Per 1000 gallon
109/= per 1000 gallon 187/=Per 1000 gallon 187/=Per 1000 gallon
119/= per 1000 gallon 204/=Per 1000 gallon 204/=Per 1000 gallon

1989— 17% —Increase in Residential & 35% in Commercial / Industrial

1992— 35%— Increase in Residential & 45% in Commercial / Industrial

1994—15 to 25%— Increase in Residential & n Commercial / Industrial

1995—-No Increase in Residential & 25% in Commercial / Industrial

1996— No Increase in Residential & 25% in Commercial / Industrial

1989—25% —Increase in Residential & 25% in Commercial / Industrial

2001— NARV De-Linked for Commercial & Industrial

2008—50%— increase in Residential /Commercial / Industrial

2009—09% —Increase in Residential /Commercial Industrial

2010—09% —Increase in Residential /Commercial / Industrial

2011—29%&100% —Increase in Commercial /Residential

2012—09% —Increase in Commercial /Industrial

2013—09% —Increase in Commercial /Industrial

2014—09% —Increase in Commercial /Industrial/Residential

  2014—09% —Increase in Commercial /Residential